Azure Storage Accounts

Storage Accounts

Azure Storage and Azure SQL Database both play an important role in the Microsoft Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) strategy for storage. Azure Storage enables storage and retrieval of large amounts of unstructured data. You can store content flies such as documents and media in the Blob service, use the Table service for NoSQL data, use the Queue service for reliable messages, and use the File service for Server Message Block (SMB) file share scenarios. Azure SQL Database provides classic relational database features as part of elastic scale service.

Azure provides four different types of Storage types:
·         Blobs
·         Files
·         Tables
·         Queues

How to Create Storage account from Azure portal

 1)  Login in to your azure portal with your subscription.

2) Select “Storage Accounts”  from left navigation.

     3) Click on “Add”, then you should be able to see below screen shot.

Ø  Enter Name “trainingsazurestorage”, it allows only lowercase letters .you are going to be using fully qualified name in the application.
Ø   Select Deployment model : Resource Manager
Ø  Select Account Kind : General purpose
Ø  Select Performance: Standard (premium runs on SSD (desk drives) drives, standard runs on physical hard drives. Premium is faster but more expensive
Ø  Select Replication: Locally Redundant Storage (LRS), it means it going to store three copies with in the region (ex: eastern, western). If hard drives fail, they copy from the copies they have.
Ø  Secure Transfer Required : Disable
Ø  Subscription: select your subscription.
Ø  Resource group: I have selected my existing resource group
Ø  Select Location :Central US 

4) Click on “create” , then you should be able to see below screen shot .

5) Now, you should be able to see newly created storage account with tables, blobs, files, queues in azure portal as shown below.


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