Azure Storage Tables with Visual Studio 2017
Azure Storage Tables Azure Storage is a non-relational (NoSQL) entity storage service on Microsoft Azure. When you create a storage account, it includes the Table service alongside the Blob and Queue services. Table services can be accessed through a URL format. It looks like this: http://<storage account name><table name>. There are many forms of NoSQL databases: ■ Key-value stores that organize data with a unique key per record and often allow for jagged entries where each row might not have a complete set of values. ■ Document databases that are similar to key-value stores with semi-structured, easy-to query documents. Usually, information is stored in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. ■ Columns stores that are used to organize large amounts of distributed information. ■ Graph databases that do not use columns and rows; instead, they use a graph model for storage and query, usually for large amounts of hi...